Blood & Honey (Serpent & Dove, #2)Blood & Honey by Shelby Mahurin

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There’s always a cost…

How do I sum up the perfect words to depict what went on in my mind while reading this book? I had the same issue with Serpent & Dove. There simply ISNT enough words to do it justice.

S&D is my favorite book. Of the year. Probably the last decade. I’m constantly shouting “read this!” to anyone who will listen. When Shelby announced Blood & Honey, I was so nervous! How will she ever be able to top S&D?!

But you guys, she did.

In S&D, I jut loved Lou and Reid.. the other characters were just side characters to me. They were great, too, but I just devoured Lou and Reid’s relationship. Their banter. Everything about it made me squee inside!

But B&H brought all the other characters to life and I loved them all so, so much. Beau grew on me and I ALMOST, almost liked him more than Reid!! How is that possible?!

B&H is definitely a little darker than S&D. The magic. The heartbreak. Shelby’s words are so poetic I can hardly contain myself. I could read these two books over and over again just enjoying the way she conforms a sentence.

”I’ll follow you into that darkness, and I’ll bring you back. Do you hear me? Where you go, I will go.”

I was sick to my stomach while Shelby drags you over to the edge of the cliff and makes you peek over the edge just barely then rips you back to safety. That’s a lot what reading B&H was like. I just wanted them to hurry up fix it.

Turmoil, heartbreak, laughter, and love. There’s a little bit of everything in this story and I loved every bit of it. There’s so much to come for these characters futures and I can’t wait!

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I’m Brandi


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