The Unleashed (The Haunted, #2)The Unleashed by Danielle Vega
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Vega, I love you so. Please don’t ever stop writing young adult horror. It’s my favorite!

Vega’s take on paranormal is always so fascinating to me. You know it could never happen (I mean, maybe, never say never) but nonetheless I still turn those pages like they’re gonna disappear if I don’t read them fast enough.

And that is why I will always grab her books!

This book is the second in the series. You will definitely need to read the first, though these two books gave off totally different vibes for me. The first one was more scary while this one gave me more…. Carrie vibes. Still great. Still want more.

More Eddie. Please?

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I’m Brandi


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