The Year of the WitchingThe Year of the Witching by Alexis Henderson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow! I’m impressed. The words in this book are so magical. Literally, but also just the sense of beauty in the way the author paints her sentences.

I knew halfway through that this one would be a five star read for me.


That’s a lot for a seventeen year old to take on. But she does, nonetheless. Her mother birthed her into this world with trouble from the start. Now, motherless she must clean up what she started all those years ago.

I loved the parts in this story, the way each plague is told. And the side love interest isn’t bad either. He grew on me and I rooted for him as much as the others, despite his position in the church.

Salem meets the Handmaid’s Tale is absolutely correct.

What a beautiful, empowering story!

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I’m Brandi


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